Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pin-up curls

so thats how that turned out. 
i dunno, im gonna try to make it work 

[edit] god hair, what are you doing. no, i did not agree for you to look like this
i still have no idea what shirt im gonna wear and what kind of make up i wanna do

Doing pin-up curls for tomorrow (today) ^^

well, i pretty much got bored and i wonder how it will look like 

Im finding The Road to El Dorato to be very entertaining. And yes, technically i will be adult in 4 months.
can i pay someone to bring me a big mac and some french fries?


Friday, August 30, 2013

ugh i have to shave and shit like that and im feeling soooo lazy :P

and i also have to bring candles into the bathroom cause the light is acting up and i do not wanna suddenly be in darkness. not cool
i think someone is walking on our roof
the fuck

[edit] aha! i was right, there was a man on the roof
Today is getting ready day. Fist problem, i dont know if i should have red or black nails :c

Late Night Adventures: Make-up

First of all, excuse my eyebrows, i know they aren't perfectly plucked.

All the eye shadows are from the Sephora pallet.

Eh i dont even know, i get bored a lot okay 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just started on season 4 of pretty little liars and i pretty much have no idea the fuck is going on
im not even sure if i finished season 3
but whatever, i wanna know about Ezra :P
Now the question is do i want to hack and slash some strange looking demons while being annoyed or do i want sniper some people


Living healthy, fuck yeah

Also, bedroom cleaned and i made mother play need for speed. 

I would say it was a pretty successful day

I just figured out how the mofo crickets come into my room.
Its the fucking balcony door.  

Fucking hell i vacuumed 2 today. 
God i hate this things 
must clean today. fuuck
im here checking out twitter, when suddenly: ezra is A
i stopped watching pretty little liars almost a year ago what the fuck happened
I have to pee but i refuse to go out out my room until its at least 4 am
because ghost and shit, thats why

[edit] the internet died right after i made this post and it refused to work until i manually did  a reset of the router.

also, good morning, probably going to go back to sleep soon

oh no, im not bored at all

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I wanna eat something, but i have no idea what. It would be also pleasant if someone would clean my bedroom, cause i want it cleaned but im to lazy to do it myself.  
fuckidy fuck fuck i have to stop dreaming about my ex crush. i mean seriously brain. just shadap

and now i want to cuddle. great.

Oh goodie

Another storm. Aint life grand
bloody hell its fucking raining again

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The one time i dont have my phone with me someone actually calls and texts me.
I need some coffee but getting up and making it seems so hard :'c
I was about to go cuddle with one of my ex crushes but than mother woke me up. 
Is is strange that i pretty much know almost every line of Queen Of the Damned?
eh i dont care, lestat can suck me anytime he wants huehue :D
that man is fucking beautiful 
i must have watched the movie more that 20 times, even do its shit and i really hate jessie 
but the music and lestat... yum :D

just.. damn 
i think i will forever love him 

God, this is getting out of hand

I think im getting like hiddles ADD, cause i refuse to go to sleep until i see at least one photo of his face on my tumblr dashboard

Monday, August 26, 2013

Guess what im doing tonight

DMC 4, here i come 

[edit] Nero annoys me. Also, hungry 
Right now im wearing old cat ears hat, a lace collar and my mothers jacket.
Yep, spring cleaning

also, i introduced my future husband (guess who it is. yes, its loki)to mother  and shes fine with it, so thats cool too

now all i need is some loki

fangirling all over the place for finding a very old perfect looking Supernatural poster. 

goddammit tom
oh so very accurate

lalala uuuu

Im just sitting in the car and waiting for mother when did grandpa comes along driving a bicycle with an orange cat i the basket.
probably a high light of my day.

And This 
what is she even doing, i dont know if i sould laugh or palmface


Beanie: New Yorker, i think, not sure
the shirt underneath: in old as fuck, so no point in telling where is from
Belt: also old, from new yorker 
Leggings: bershka
Jacket: old, Ann Christine 
aand you know the shoes :D


why the fuck in the eyeliner on my right eye always perfect and on the left it looks like a 5 year old tried to do my make up.
also, im actually wearing pretty heavy liner for a change, havent done that i a while :D

i dont even know

This weather is shit

Im actually awake and going out so early in the morning just so that i can wear my new boots. 
And im outfit is gonna be vampire hunter inspired. Yeys.  

also, i would totally have sex with this song, its perfect 

[edit] dont know if i wanna do dark eyes or dark lips. help. 

Can someone feed me?

Thinking about moving makes me depressed

Sunday, August 25, 2013


i wanna eat some nice pizza, drink beer, play games and cuddle. with loki. 

The Fuck

im here cleaning my computer when suddenly, this
what the fuck is wrong with them?
everything seems to be working fine, its just this. 


Shirt: Bershka
Shorts: "home made"
Stocking: i dont know from, just normal fishnet ones 
Shoes: ma new boots from Deichmann

All i've been doing this weekend was go out, get drunk and sleep

i really need to get the fuck out of bed and make some coffee

Friday, August 23, 2013

I have an obsession

is it strange that i watched this for like 10 times now?
if i would be there my panties would hit the floor so hard they'd end up halfway to China

Things I Bought

So first of all, its this.
I dont even know.
Just why.. why do you even have this New Yorker?
And of course, i had to try it :D

The shoes are from Deichmann and i think they were around 30€

This cozy jacket thingy is Amisu and from New Yorker. I think it was 25€

I got this cigarette box from this big cheep store that i dont remember the name of, or the price of this this but im pretty sure it wasnt more than 5€

From DM, just my normal eye liner and black nail polish

The tripod is also from that sheep store and it was 15€
And ass you can see, i already kinda broke it :P

Soo thats pretty much it.

Also, its really creepy hearing animals walk in front of the house :P

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Just got home and tireeed
I got a cheep tripod and i already broke something. yeey me

Fuck yeah

I cant believe i got 3 for music and 2 for art
Well, its probably because art teacher is pretty much a total bitch.

But hey, i really dont give a fuck im just glad to be done with it

One down, one more to go

I totally deserved more that what she gave me
Also, how are people not cold? Im here in my long pants and a leder jacket and im still little cold when outside and some people here are wearing shorts. What the fuck

And suddenly i got very sleepy. Not good. Also, i didnt sleep very well, i got about 4 hours. I think im gonna fail music, i really hope i wont :P

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I took at little 5 min study break 2 hours ago. 
If i fail this shit im blaming tumblr 

So much to get into my brain, so little time

This god damn music will be the death of me.  

Art i get, i can explain it in my own words and it doesnt bore me to death.

But music?  fucking hell that shit is hard 

Last day

Fucking hell im early.
And weather turned to shit. 

Here, have some this:

Yeah, i dont know whats wrong with me

[edit] must study.
Somebody should lock me in a room with nothing but some paper, pens and the textbook.
Eh, i doubt it would work 

Where the fuck do they come from

That moment of terror when you look at the ceiling at there it is. 
Some type of a grasshopper, right there.

Than i vacuumed that bitch.

Also, i wass gonna sleep 5 hours ago, when i was actually tired
but then internet happened.

Damn you internet 

Monday, August 19, 2013

silly brain

Every month that i have to study i feel little sorry that i didnt stick with my psychologist, cause they would teach me how to study with add 

fuck me if i know how

i remember when i was little me and mother would go outside and she would ask me questions and whatnot while i was playing with like a ball or something (you know when dr. House thinks he always plays with balls? yeah, like that)
but now, she has to watch her movies and series and doesnt have time to help me study

and i just dont know how to do it myself 

any add people out there that have mastered studying? 
how is it possible that i remember the thing i though i will never understand but i easily forget the simple shit.

brain, stop fucking with me and remember the complicated stupidity that is music
i mean really, when em i gonna need this this in real life.
it just makes me tired


look at that, im outside again.
well, not anymore. but i was
fucking hell im tired
c'mon coffee, work your magic

last night i probably spend about 2 hours trying to make the sexy ass loki gif as my background or screensaver.
and guess what. it didnt fucking work. 


2 days to go, still a lot of this to remember

every time i say im gonna start studying at least a week before an exam and that never happens 
why must i be this way i do not know

Sunday, August 18, 2013
I em just so...disappointed
it makes me sad

I dont think i will ever find a bend that i would love so much as i loved Korn and Disturbed
ovaries exploded

oh what i would do to this man

ugh i dont even know

i think that i this point i just wanna lay in the nice soft grass and i dont know, do something there

im almost finished with music, fuck yeah, but the real studying part it yet to come, i just did all the notes now

feeling strange broo


well, that last coffee really hit the spot


[edit] that strange feeling when you're buzzed on caffeine and you have lots of energy and you wanna do shit and yet you're still tired and wanna sleep

yeah, that how i feel right now

god dammit why cant i study

Been studying for like half and hour now and all i wanna do is sleeeeeeep
i think i require more caffeine


look at that, im actually outside
waiting for coffee to start working couse im still fucking sleepy 
than i must study like crazy, i have 2 exams in 3 days 
music and art and i have almost whole art textbook to go trough and i do not understand music :P 

[edit] god fucking dammit bees and all this flying fucks i do not like 

good morning

Friday, August 16, 2013

Im shit at giving titles to my posts

Just finished watching Iron Man 3. Oh how i love tony/robert :3
and now i have to watch the first two movies and the avengers. again.

Im also gonna read comics. Havent done that for manymany years now.

Also, reunion today, still dont know if i want to go or not. I kinda wanna see everyone, but not talk to them.
Last year, all they pretty much talked about was school shit. And truth to be told, im kinda shit at getting to know people at whatnot, cause we dont really know each other anymore.

But than again, its cheep alcohol, and i kinda wanna show myself of, cause i changed (on the better, i like to think) as self centred that may sound.

so yeah.

also, this awesomeness
no sleep
I had to wake up my mother to get rid of the green abomination. Thanks birthgiver, you are useful
But i would be shocked if shes not used to it by now, i dont even know how many times i had to wake her up in the middle of the night to get rid of grasshoppers and whatnot.


That feeling when i need to go pee, but you cant, cause there is a giant motherfucking grasshopper in the toilet.
godfuckingdammnit i really need to goooo

Thursday, August 15, 2013

And yet again

I do not know what to do with myself

Oh the joy

Time for eyebrow plucking torture.

This is very entertaining :D
I had a fucking nightmare and i actually thought it was real (i usually know when im dreaming) so i was telling myself trough the whole thing that its just a dream. It did turn better later on

But goddamnit brain, do you not realise you're torturing yourself?



Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My piercings: Labret

So today im gonna talk about my piercings c:

The first piercing i ever got (except 3 holes in my both ears) was my labret. I got it when i was 15 (11.10.2011 was the date, i think) so i had it for 2 years now. Damn, time passes fast.
I got it done in Exit Studio in Ljubljana and i believe it was 50€, with the jewellery.

So me and my friend when there, i tolled the piercer what i want and choose my jewellery.
Than we had to wait for 10min i believe for the needle to disinfect in alcohol or whatever, i dont know. 
So me, my friend and the piercer went out for a cigarette and talked, he explained me everything about the piercing and how to take care of it and whatnot.

When we got back in(im not sure if im getting the process quite right, it was 2 years ago, so i dont really remember that much ;P) , he made a little dot with a pen and asked my and my friend if its perfectly in the middle. When we got that done, he disinfected the area and put on some numbing cream on. 
Ok so than he put the clamps on and put the needle trough. Im not gonna lie, i did hurt, but nothing you couldn't easily handle and he put my piercing trough and if i remember correctly, that was a little bit painful too.  That he rolled on the ball and that was it :)

Healing process. 
My piercing almost didnt swell at all so it was just extremely annoying to have that little antenna sticking out of my lip and when i eat, i happened a lot that the piercing got caught on my lover teeth (still happens sometimes) and that was not pleasant. But otherwise, it was completely pain free. 
For the cleaning i used a big bottle of NaCl 0,9% that i got in a pharmacy and bepanthen that i got from the piercer and i think i also got some kind of oil from him, but im not 100%.

So the biggest problem i had with the piercing was that i couldnt get my jewellery out. I tired everything, but the little ball woudnt budge. So after 2 days of annoyance (i just wanted to change my godamn jewellery) i wasnt back to the piercer, alone, which was totally embarrassing for me and he unscrewed the ball in one second. 

This is how it looked like a couple of days later i think

So yeah, thats the story of my labret :D 

Been feeling like shit all day. I think that the biggest problem is that its fucking freezing inside the house. Im here with my leggins, warm socks and a man pullover and im fucking freezing. I cant even take a shower cause nobody wants light the furnace and i dont wanna do it so i dont fuck everything up.

So now im here, on my period, depressed, cold, lifeless

its fucking lovely
I wanna go to publiiic. i fucking hate living the middle of nowhere
Havent slept yet. Dont think i will. Also, hungry
Im watching Secret Diary of a Call Girl and theres one short scene with Billie Piper (the main character and also one of my favourite Doctor Who companions) and Matt Smith (the 11th doctor) and i just find it sooo funny :D
Dont know what to do with myself

[edit] great, now i wanna eat like a chocolate cake or something. Im gonna make mother buy some.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sometimes i wish i had a dick

Why hello there period, oh how i missed your pain
I feel sleepy but not really.... if that makes sense

Late Night Adventures: DIY fishnet sleeves thingy

Eh i dunno, just look at it i guess. I made 2, one ripped and one "normal"

Oh look, here you can see the first word of my new wall decoration. yeey

Late Night Adventures

Soo last night i finished Hunted: The demons forge. I missed almost half of the ending, cause something little hit my face and i just thought it was one of those flying shits so i look around, dont see anything and than suddenly, right next to me A FUCKING GREEN GRASSHOPPER. I can not express with words how much i hate those tipe of fuckers.
So i go into panic mode, push the computer off of me, scream and run of the bed, look for something to kill it with, you know the drill.
K' so i kill this abomination (his goddamn leg fell of) and in the mean time the end cut scene is almost finished (i didnt pause it, of course)

                                                   Fucking grasshoppers. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Im writing a quote from Bioshock on my well in this gothic font and that shit aint easy :P
And i think that its gonna me waay longer then i though its gonna be, so i dont know what im gonna do about that.

You know what would be really awesome? Photographic memory

Ice coffee is ready and now i should start studying.

Im hungry

I was outside for less than a minute and now im fucking blind.

You know what i hate?

When people call me and i dont have their number saved in my address book so i have no idea who i calling me. And i never answer numbers i dont know.
Maybe Ill text them later who the fuck they are.
I just really hate this shit :P

I also had a really horrible dream, i dreamt that i dropped my controller into a bucket of water. 
I played demon's forge for i dont even know how long. Would still be playing it, but cutscene didnt work again so i decided to stop and maybe read a book or something more relaxing :D

Sunday, August 11, 2013

for some reason i feel sleepy now. I went trough the first chapter of the textbook, played some  Hunted: The Demon's Forge (im fucking lost, like half of the time in the game. sometimes because the cut scenes just dont work and also sometimes it thinks im using the keyboard even do im using the xbox controller)

So now i dont know what to do


Im actually studying :P the only problem is, i can not make notes by the life of my. I just dont know whats more important. I really dont know how to study :P

[edit] I will never ever understand golden ratio. I does not make any sense to me. And im supposed to draw it for graphic design (im not there yet, but still).  
i really should study today.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I brought my little sound system into the bedroom and now im acually listening to radio, cause i just dont know what to listen. And i gotta say, im having a hard time finding a station that i would actually enjoy.
But i think will keep them here, cause they fit pretty well^^

And the magazine isnt porn, its a gamer magazine, just sayin' 

I also need to start taking better care of my legs, cause they look like shit.
Bruised, shit load of mosquito bites in healing (and i have had scars on my knees for most of my life) and since im white as fuck (especially on my legs) everything just looks like shit :c   

I just love Llamas with Hats :D

Mission Accomplished

Well.. that was tiresome.
I just finished vacuuming almost my whole bloody ceiling because spiders. No wonder they spread their net all over, the room probably wasnt thoroughly cleaned for ages. I dont even wanna think whats behind the closets. I just wanna move all the furniture, clean it and rearrange it.
And i still aint done.
Just taking a little cigarette brake :P

[edit] great, now i dont wanna go clean any more :c
Is it strange that i totally wanna learn pole dancing? cause that shit is fucking awesome :D

also, this coffee is strooong, i dont remember the last time i got some much energy from a single cup :D
and no, i still dont wanna clean

My laziness is like an 8 when it lies down. Infinitive

Drank my coffee (i got like the sediment of the coffee all over my mouth when i finished and that really lovely) still dont wanna clean.

I actually made "real" coffee, you know the one you cook? I actually dont believe i have even tried it (well, i did when i was a child, but i hated it then) so we shall see :D

but i need coffeeee

Great, now i somehow broke my coffee machine. aint that grand
Finished Beautiful Evil (i have to wait till september for the next book :c) so now coffee and than im gonna clean.

I also havent used my phone for a couple of day, cause i was just too lazy to charge it and now i do not know where the little fucker is.

yeey, books

Finished Darkness Becomes Her and starting A Beautiful Evil.
Im always kinda sceptical about the books i decide to real, cause i find it hard to find something to read that i love at the first sight buut i always like them, even do i didnt though i would.
Also, its 4 o'clock and i aint tired at all.

That is all for now.
I just totally made my own hot chocolate, fuck yeah

Just wanted to share this pretty thing with you

i belive it is my grandmothers (i love snooping in closets and cause there in my bedroom i believe i have the right to do it :D) and if i would wear brooches i would totally rock that shit.

And i want hot chocolate.

strange post, that doesnt really make much sense

I have serious concentration problems (one of my diagnosis, also) and i can not do the same thing for more than half an hour  (playing games is different cause im you know, doing something) . But right now, im reading a book and i just have to do something else sometimes and it just makes me nervous.

and i wanna eat something

Friday, August 9, 2013

Started reading Darkness Becomes Her and i just lovelove the title :D
let me love you <3
Great big balls of ice are falling down upon us now. And its really thundery


I was gonna clean my room, but than i feel asleep.
The story of my life. 

And we're having another big storm. Yay for coldness :D

Good morning for Pikachu and me^^

just look how cute she is with her retarded face :3

she was looking at me here but the looked away in the last second :c

There was a big storm in the morning (probably some part of the night too, but i was asleep) in the thunder was soooo loud it woke me up and kept me from sleeping for some time too

But FINALLY some nice cold fresh air ^^

Oh and my watching Ashens and the Quest for the GameChild and its actually really good, i thought it was gonna be like a short boring movie (its actually 1 hour and a half long) and i em pleasantly surprised :D

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My goddamn fish s falling apart all over the fucking pan.
yeah, thats a lot, fish.
hello from my new "pool"
im thinking of bringing my computer into the bathroom and just taking a cold bubbly bath.

why? because its just soo fucking hot. so i think im gonna go and do that. yeah

Family problems

K' so i was supposed to make lunch today. Pasta with tuna. And do you know how long it takes me to make that for 2 persons? 15 min at most.
so lunch was supposed to be at 3 o'clock. which meant i still have time.

ok, so i walk in the kitchen and i see my grandmother cooking there.
i mean really?

why do you even tell me to cook than if you're gonna do it anyway.

and i see that shes using this gigantic pot for spaghetti. The fuck? how much are you planing to make?
you have been feeding me for about 15 years, i person would realise that i just dont eat that much.

but here we are with her big pot and god knows how many spaghetti will come out of this bullshit.

God woman, i will never understand you.
ugh, just so bored. and the heat is pretty much slowly killing me

fucking hell dude

so im here in artrage just playing around and getting to know the program and then suddenly
dude thats like a fucking dog face demon hell hound monster thing. 
do you see it?
its staring right into your soul 

What kind of demonic stencil is this?

Im such an artist, i know

so my finished sketch:
for some reason, the upper part of is went somewhere, i dont know how it happened.

My "inspiration" was this picture, for new year of me and my best friend c:
i didnt really bother with the middle part, cause its all dark and whatnot.
And my shirt looks like shit because its fucking hard to do.
But hey, it isnt that bad for my first graphic tablet sketch.